foto de gianni

Gianni Pasquinelli

Front-end Developer

Web developer in constant training, self-taught, curious, meticulous, focused, creative.


About me

My name is Gianni, I'm from Argentina and I'm a web developer. At the time I graduated from high school I was in doubt about what career I should do, computer systems or music. The emotional side won the battle and I went ahead and began to study music composition at the UNR. After some difficulties at work increased by the pandemic, a possibility of formation in web development came up, and without hesitation I started this other passion.

With my musical artistic background, I approach in a creative way, in the balance of the creative and the functional. Intrinsicly thinking in various perspectives, from direct to outside of the box. By keeping the capacity of surprise intact, I always staying curious on how a solution is achieved through several paths and how the same path has different outcomes.

Through my work I find a way to fulfill my need to express myself to the world through a creative mindset to intellectual.







java script








git hub




java logo


visual studio code

Visual Studio Code

visual studio code



Linux Mint

linux mint




Holocruxe Landing Page

holocruxe web

My principar task was the develop of the Holocruxe landing page. Developed whit Vite and JavaScript. In charge of matainance and issues resolutions Working in a team whit designers, tester and other developers. I refactor the old version, upgrading the folder structure and modularized the css code, Also redoing some components for better reusability.

Jim Dunlop - Picks

Site devolope in React as a final work of the React course at Coderhouse. Build in React framework, with creation of components, events, react-router-dom. hook useState fot counter and shopping cart.

jim dunlop

Focus On Kids

Site created as a final project of the web development course at Coderhouse. It is also a working site because it was made for the Focus on Kids clinic. I used HTML, Css with Scss, Bootstrap, AOS. I also developed the design, with several esthetic changes from the initial idea to the final version of the site.

focus on kids

Text Encrypter


Project carried out as a Challenge of the "ONE Oracle next education" course. It consists of creating an encryptor that receives a text and when pressing the encrypt button will show the encrypted text in the side box, then this encrypted text can be copied to enter it in the main input and decrypt it. The design was delivered to us, which I developed as the Figma design delivered and responsive. This project was made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Focus On Kids (with javaScript)

As part of the JavaScript course at Coderhouse, I re-used my web development course project. By using the contact page to generate alerts, making use of functions, template literals, local and session storage in the form, JSON. And also adding libraries.

focus on kids

Café Pasquinelli

pagina de un bar

Practice page made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using a little Jquery and parallax..

JavaScript Calculation

Use of functions, operators, requesting data from the user and displaying the results on the page.


Google page


As part of my self-taught studies, I joined The Odin Project, where one of the challenges was to make a carbon copy of the google homepage. One of my very first steps in web development and a very pleasing challenge, when the results are as expected.

Standberg Guitars

Within the Coderhouse web development course, we had a challenge to make a page with bootstrap.


Odin Recipies


This was another challenge from The Odin Project. In this particular case it consists of creating a recipes site with ordered and unordered lists. As a personal goal I tried to do it as fast as possible and without resorting to any help, so I can have a reference of how long it would take me to do it.

NOVA Shoes

The company Onlines&Co did a web development study guideline. As a final practice I had to build this page from the designed model that was provided. With everything I had learned so far, it was the very first web page I made other than the ones I had copied in some courses. It was the first time I was using GitHub and due to the lack of experience at that time I didn't upload the project in a correct way, so I was unable to use the GitHub pages service.

pagina de zapatos


logo onlines

My first contact with web development was right here. They prepared a Front-End training guide. From where I was able to organize how to do the study path.

logo udemy

On this learning platform I took several courses, which gave me a vision and understanding of several subjects to and understanding of many topics to reinforce later on.

logo free Code Camp

Here I completed the "Responsive web design" training and I currently am in the process of the JavaScript training.

w3 logo
W3 schools

Self-taught courses in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Beyond the courses, it is a place of constant reference for the amount and clarity of concepts.

odin logo
The Odin Project

Full-Stack course, in process. Self-taught, very complete, and with a large amount of practices. Part of my projects are from the practices of this courses.

logo coderhouse

With the need of a more personalized guide, I purchased the front-End developer career. I have graduated and passed the Web Development and JavaScritp courses with a score of 9. I still have one more course to in one of the JavaScript frameworks: React.

egg logo

An introduction to programming course. An innovative way to study and learn. In zoom groups of 10 learners, team problem solving, cooperating and collaborating.

one logo

ONE - Oracle next education. Training program designed by Oracle for Latin America with courses in programming, Front-End, Java, Oracle Cloud, SQL. The courses are provided on the Alura Latam platform, where we also see courses on Agile methodologies, Business Management and personal development.

logo argentina programa
r/argentina Programa

r/argentina program - From the reddit community emerged this great JavaScript course. With an active community in Slack where you can submit your exercises and have them corrected by other community members.

logo openbootcamp
Open Bootcamp

Completely free Full-Stack training courses with courses on topics such as JavaScript, Java, Phyton, React, Spring, JUnit testing. Also a Discord community with work offers and study groups.

My Notion Stuff
ONE - Profile


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Direct Contact
